CRISMACHEM achieves ISO 9001 and UNE 166002 certifications

– Marcelo Montoro –

We are very pleased to inform that we have completed the process of implementation and certification of ISO 9001 and UNE EN 166002 Standards.
ISO 9001 is the most widely recognized Quality Management Standard in the world. Obtaining this certificate guarantees that Crismachem works under the parameters of a Quality Management System that affects all the company’s processes and is controled, measured and renewed annually by an external certifier (AENOR). The primary goal of working under this standard is to achieve the total satisfaction of stakeholders and especially our clients, through a service and product with the highest possible quality.
In addition, CRISMACHEM certifies the R&D&i activities developed under the R&D&i Management System implemented in accordance with UNE EN 166002, demostrating the strong innovaciĆ³n character of the company and becoming the only distributor specialized in obtaining this certificate, which proves continuous innovation along processes and operations of the company.

See our certificates at: