– Eugenio Navarro –
Innovation is one of the essential factors for the economic growth of a country, hence it occupies a prominent place in European and national policies, becoming one of the key factors to job creation, medium-term growth, productivity and ultimately the improvement of competitiveness.
When it comes to innovation in SMEs, there are those who think that to be an innovative company it is enough to research or apply new ways of doing things in production processes or services. But beyond this reality, in order to be an innovative SME, in addition to a series of formal requirements, a real activity in terms of innovation policy must be demonstrated.
Spanish Royal Decree 475/2014 of 13th June 2014 establishes the definition of Innovative SME and through which the Ministry of Science and Innovation recognizes companies that carry out R&D&I activities. This seal distinguishes companies that are committed to innovation by carrying out intensive activity in this area.
In this way, and after the certification of its R&D&I management system in accordance with the UNE EN 166002 standard, CRISMACHEMĀ takes another step in increasing the added value of the brand.